The BBC Microcomputer Page

The Reid's Hardware Inventory

The following is a list of hardware that the Reid family owned.

Acorn Computer's Model B BBC Microcomputer system, lovingly termed as the "Beeb."

Intial purchase: CPU, 1 Double sided floppy disk drive. Connectors enabled us to connect to our Television and so we had full colour 'monitor' from the start.

A year after: CPU, Disk drive and OKIDATA dot matrix printer.

Soon after: CPU, additional floppy drive (the drive was vertical in arrangement not horizontal like the Apple II series drive, the other drive (labeled 2) was stuck between the first one and the housing.) A sketch will be forthcoming, an RGB 12 inch display, OKIDATA Printer.

A year later: CPU Two disk drives, EPSON dot Matrix printer. 1200 baud Practical Periphial MODEM.

A few years later Mr Reid attached a ZIFF NET socket. This peice of hardware is unique. Probably will never see its kind again. It involved a long 'female' flat connector with a plug that looked like the sprokets of a normal chip. This fitted into the mother board of the BBC. For those of you who don't know, the BBC had four slots (remniscent of simm expansion slots today) that allowed the 'expansion' of the BBC for more powerful uses, e.g. word processing using a chip called VIEW. These chips were called ROMS and out of the four two were in use. The ZIFF NET allowed the user to plug in a ROM (like a periphial or diskette) so that multiple powerful programs can be used. In the case of the Reid family BBC the ROM that was plugged in and out using the ZIFFNET was the PROLOG ROM. I'll try to sketch this too. . .

At the time of donation this is what the BBC was made up of:

CPU, RGB Monitor, EPSON printer, Double disk drive, ZIFF NET socket, and a tape recorder and appropriate connector for cassette programs.

Thanks to Robert Schmit for putting up some of these pictures on his web site so that I could have access to some of them for research sake and to my father for helping me reconstruct the past.
If you would like to learn more about the history of the BBC Micro then go here


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